Registration for Annual Report through Email
Dear Shareholder,
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has taken a "Green Initiative in the Corporate
Governance" by allowing paperless compliances by companies and has issued a circular
on April 21, 2011 stating that the service of document by a company can be made
through electronic mode.
Keeping in view the underlying theme and the circular issued by MCA, we propose
to send documents like the notice calling the annual general meeting, audited financial
statements, directors' report, auditors' report, etc. in electronic form, to the
email address provided by you and made available to us by the Depositories.
You are, therefore, requested to go to and register your email ID.
Please note that you will be entitled to be furnished, free of cost, these documents
upon receipt of a requisition from you, as a member of the Company.
We are sure you would appreciate the "Green Initiative" taken by MCA and your company's
desire to participate in such initiatives.